I’ve mentioned my new sewing habit right? The truth is, I don’t know if I would have been successful at any of the 3-d stuff I’ve started doing in my art school years. Even the paper mache. But since I took up clay sculpture and plushie sewing, I’ve been amazed at how 3D design has crystalized in my mind. True, I’ve always been a spatial person, true, I’ve spent years working in a field that demands that (construction), but I’m still surprised that now when I envision something 3-D, I get the map of how to build it in my head. Just like when I have a 2-d idea. I think I should attribute this to practice. It’s that 10000 hours of practice that makes luck mixed with a little knowledge seem like genius.
Anyway these are 2 Christmas gifts I sewed. From ideas in my head. No pattern, I made the pattern myself and adjusted on the fly of making them. I’m pleased with how they turned out.
And currently, I’m working on a bunch of stuff for a show. March 10th is the opening. So far. it’s going ok. More about that later…